
one head of thinly sliced garlic

-3 spring onions thinly sliced.

1 yellow bell pepper sliced in square/julienne,

-3 tomatoes diced, seeds removed,

2kg of fish filet, (any kind) snapper, sole etc…(dried very well in paper towel)

parsley 1 bouquet shopped,stems removed

seasoning(Minim. 1 ½ tsp of each/ to taste): pepper, salt, cumin, red pepper, coriander, turmeric and fresh ginger.

For decoration:

-seeded black olives

-thinly sliced lemon


Fry the garlic, the onions and the bellpepper when gold add the tomatoes then add all the spices on high fire, when it welts, turn off. Spread in a serving dish some of that sauce and add the raw fish in fillet then spread on them the remaining of the sauce. When cool put in the fridge and bake when needed for 1/2hr, put it at 1st covered for 10mns at 350 then uncover until it’s baked. Sprinkle the top with black olives/ lemon.