
1 onion

1.5 kg shrimp

0.5 cup olive oil

1 green pepper

1 red pepper

3 garlic cloves

6 tomatoes (skinless, seedless, chopped)

1 can of coconut milk

2 cubes of shrimp broth

3 tablespoons of azeite de dendê (optional)




Add salt, juice from half a lime, coconut milk to shrimp (cleaned, no tail, no shell). Let this rest for 1 hour.

In a pan, cook red and green peppers (seedless, cut in round circles) in the olive oil. When they are soft, add onion (cut in circles) and chopped garlic. Add the tomatoes. Add the cubes of shrimp broth. When the liquid part is getting thick, add the shrimp (and the liquid where it was marinating). Let it boil, them cover and let it simmer for 9 minutes in low temperature. Add azeite de dendê. Serve with white rice.